New Year, Healthier Teeth!

Happy New Year! Time to get your oral health in line this year by creating the perfect dental routine. We know how busy you all are and it can be a challenge to fit one more thing in your day but it’s important to make your dental health a priority this year. By brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist at least twice a year you are creating great habits to keep your teeth and gums healthy! Here are some things to keep in mind for your dental routine.

Brush for 2 minutes twice per day

Make sure to brush your teeth twice per day to get rid of any tartar and plaque that builds up on our teeth. Make it part of your routine by always brushing after breakfast/before lunch and after you eat dinner/end of day.

Floss everyday

Brushing alone does not remove all the particles from your teeth at the end of the day. It’s important to use floss to get all the hard to reach places and ensure that all the tartar is gone- keeping your teeth and gums healthy!

Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is important not only for our overall health but also for our dental health. Choosing well-balanced foods to eat ensures that we aren’t allowing bad or unhealthy foods to stay on our teeth. Carbohydrates and acids in our food and beverages contribute to tooth decay so it’s important to brush after snacking. Eating gum containing xylitol also helps to neutralize the acids and reduces bacteria.

Routine dental visits

One of the most important parts of your dental routine is maintaining your routine dental cleaning and exam at least twice per year. Visiting the dentist allows you to have your teeth and mouth checked for cavities or other bacteria that could be harmful to your mouth. Having your dental visits every 6 months ensures that the dental staff can monitor your oral health and create treatment plans based on what they find.

Remember to call CV Dental Care for your next dental appointment! We offer early, late and Saturday appointments for your convenience.

Canyon Vista Dental (Idaho/Apache Trail) 480-485-9580
Central Valley Dental (Higley/Southern) 480-448-8951
Citrus Valley Dental (Power/Broadway) 480-401-5175